The Twelve Bands of Christmas: Day Five - Thrushes

Thrushes are a band from Baltimore, MD. While they have only been together for about a year, they sound like a band that has been together much longer. They are preparing to release their debut album, which gives a hint a of their capabilities. In the meantime, they will be playing several one off dates in the area. Acquaint yourself with them now, before they become the next big Baltimore band. To give you an idea, they were nice enough to talk about their plans for 2007 and give a preview of the forthcoming release.
Winter 2005-2006
Anna Conner- vocals, guitar
Casey Harvey- guitars
Matt Davis- drums, percussion
Rachel Tracy- bass
Sun Come Undone (2007)
Upcoming Live Dates:
12/22/06 @ Sonar, Baltimore, MD
12/31/06 @ Lo-Fi Social Club, Baltimore, MD
How did the band form?
casey bothered rachel for years about starting a band. rachel finally relented. they practiced. they thought "we need more people in this band..." they seemed to recall that anna played guitar. they recruited her at a sunday baseball game. they practiced together. they thought "we need more people in this band...". they seemed to recall that matt played the drums. rachel called his cell phone.
How was '06 for you?
Our first year together was awesome. Played a lot of great shows, met some cool bands, made some good friends. Ate reduced fat wheat thins and had good fun on road trips. Heard about oral thrush from at least one person at every show. Made a record.
Highlights of the year?
Playing Tonic in NYC. Rachel getting recognized on the street. Matt’s shaker exploding in a cloud of rock and roll fairy dust mid-song in Wilmington.
What do you have in store for '07?
Our debut album sun come undone should be out early spring 2007. summer vacation touring. Working on new songs and making another record next fall. Much better between songs banter and more reverb. bracing for the inevitable thrushes backlash.
Goal for '07 and beyond?
more out of town shows. getting signed to a label that can afford symphonic arrangements, castrati singers, and a van. Finding a patron. Are there any Medici in Baltimore?
sun come undone (2007)
Aidan Quinn
3 favorite songs of '06?
Asobi Seksu – new years
Boris - farewell
Bruce Springsteen – Jesse James
Favorite album of the year?
Sonic Youth – rather ripped
Best live show you saw this year?
The Gritty Midi Gang – talking head club, 9/25/06
Bruce Springsteen and the Seeger Sessions Band – Nissan Pavilion, 5/28/06
***Late add – Ronnie Spector, NYC 12/9/06***
Favorite holiday song and artist?
Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band – santa claus is coming to town
Best present you ever received?
1. Swiss Army knife circa 6th grade. Taken away two weeks later after perfecting knife throwing on my bedroom walls. Still sitting on my parents’ dresser, maybe this is the year??
2. Replica 1986 Mets World Championship ring circa 4th grade. Wore it to school every day till the following June, thumb turned green, fake diamond fell off, strawberry sucks.
Worst present you ever received?
3 years ago my brother gave me a tie and a belt that were MINE that I left at home PLUS the DVD Summer Catch. The belt and tie was unconscionable, but I think my little brother at least had good intent about the DVD. Quote Scott, “You can watch it with your girlfriend cause it’s got baseball for you and romance for her.”
3 favorite songs of '06?
Stars by Celebration
I’ll Keep it With Mine by Rainer Maria,
Hips don't lie by Shakira
Favorite album of the year?
baltimore natives self titled record- celebration
Best live show you saw this year?
springsteen- seeger sessions band
Favorite holiday song and artist?
the christmas song- the raveonettes
Best present you ever received?
when i was in elementary school-my pink boom box with a white strap
Worst present you ever received?
my broken teddy ruxpin. tragic.
3 favorite songs of '06?
Celebration - holiday
Sonic Youth – neutral pink
Joseph Lamb – Ragtime Nightingale (I just heard it this year)
Favorite album of the year?
Sonic youth – rather ripped
Best live show you saw this year?
Gritty Midi Gang- Talking Head Club
Zydepunks – Talking Head Club
Favorite holiday song?
Little drummer boy
3 favorite songs of '06?
Turn into - yeah yeah yeahs
Ceremony - new order
Rebellion (Lies) - the arcade fire
*I realize that the bottom two aren’t from ’06, but I listened to them a lot.
Favorite album of the year?
Show your bones- yeah yeah yeahs
Best live show you saw this year?
The Motio reunion at the talking head club in Baltimore
Favorite holiday song and artist?
Christmas time is here- from the “A Charlie Brown Christmas” soundtrack
Best present you ever received?
Worst present you ever received?
goldfish (they died two weeks later)
The Twelve Bands of Christmas
Day 1: Telograph
Day 2: AVEC
Day 3: The Hard Tomorrows
Day 4: Middle Distance Runner
Day 5: Thrushes
Day 6: Georgie James
Day 7: Exit Clov
Day 8: Jette-Ives
Day 9: These United States
Day 10: Cedars
Day 11: Two if by Sea
Day 12: Soft Complex
Labels: 12 Bands of Christmas, Thrushes
These new Thrushes songs rock! I'm really excited to hear the rest of the record.
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