Wednesday, November 08, 2006

MDR's Midweek Mutiny: CYOA 2

Editor's Note: This was written by DC's Middle Distance Runner. This is part of a series of posts that they are writing today. Continue to the bottom, to link to the rest.

You decide to attend the party. Well done!

::Time passes::

So now you’re at Hugh Hefner's mansion, you know, just generally hanging out with Chris Tucker and Fred Durst, things like that ... when you spot the members of Middle Distance Runner in the hot tub out back! Is it really them? Could it be? Yes! It is! That’s them alright: Steve, Allan, Erik, Ian and Jay... in the flesh! You walk over to them.

"Hey, guys." you say, "I see you're enjoying the warm water and the delicious cream filled center of some Cadberry Cream Eggs. Hef is the best, isn’t he? Leaving cream eggs around his estate for everybody? What a guy.”

The members of Middle Distance Runner agree! You are awarded two (2) social points. Good work!

After much inner-celebration, you decide to try your hand at one-on-one communication. You turn to __________ and say “Hey...”

If you choose to talk to Steve, CLICK HERE.
If you choose to talk to Ian, CLICK HERE.
If you choose to talk to Allan, CLICK HERE.
If you choose to talk to Erik, why would you do that?
If you choose to talk to Jay, CLICK HERE.
If you’re confused and want to start over, CLICK HERE.


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