Contest: Doves in DC

Alright, this is a good one, so I will just get to the point. Doves are playing a show in DC on Saturday night at 9:30 Club with Wild Light. The show is sold out and everyone is trying to score some tickets. What most people do not know, is that Doves have teamed up with Gibson Guitar for a special pre-show party. What is that exactly? Well, here are the details:
What: Gibson Guitar Presents: Doves Take Flight - A Pre-Show End of Tour CelebrationAstralwerks and Gibson have provided us with all sorts of great things to give away, including tickets to the show and the party. We will have 3 winners and the prizes are as follows:
When: Saturday 6/6 from 3PM to 5PM.
Where: Gibson Showroom at 709 G St. NW, Washington, DC 20001.
Additional Info:
Invite/Guest List Only.
Free Food and Free Booze.
Free Doves and Gibson swag.
Photo ops and an opportunity to get your Doves swag signed by Andy and Jez.
Grand Prize: 2 tickets for show at 9:30 club and 2 invites for the Gibson Pre-Party .All you have to do to enter is send us an e-mail ( with your name. Winners will be randomly chosen and notified by Friday. Good luck!
First Runner Up: 2 invites for the Gibson Pre-Party.
Second Runner Up: Doves entire catalog on CD.

Labels: Astralwerks, Doves, Gibson
Oh great that they are giving show hope their show will rock..
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