The Best DC Band That You've Never Heard
Great new band discoveries are the best, but they mean so much more when the band is located in your own backyard. I mean, isn't that why I started this site in the first place? In the beginning, these kind of discoveries happened to me on a regular basis. After a couple of years of doing this and thinking that I've already uncovered everything, it's even more special.
I'd like to introduce you to a brand new DC band called Feral Kids. If you take one listen, you would swear that they have been at this for a lot longer than they have. Featuring members who have been around the scene in many other capacities over the years, they are pure indie pop goodness with a new wave tinge and they are the perfect find for a long, hot summer day.
Check out their great new video for "Play It Everyday" and enjoy that track, along with "Wild Women," which sort of reminds me of B-52s. Go friend them on myspace, where you can find their entire 4 track demo up for grabs. Keep checking here for some big news on this band in the very near future.
mp3: Play It Everyday
mp3: Wild Women
Labels: Feral Kids
I gave them a listen but was unimpressed. Not bad but nothing distinctive. "Play It Everyday" sounds like a mediocre Mates of State song (it that redundant?).
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