Friday, July 11, 2008

The Best DC Band That You've Never Heard

Great new band discoveries are the best, but they mean so much more when the band is located in your own backyard. I mean, isn't that why I started this site in the first place? In the beginning, these kind of discoveries happened to me on a regular basis. After a couple of years of doing this and thinking that I've already uncovered everything, it's even more special.

I'd like to introduce you to a brand new DC band called Feral Kids. If you take one listen, you would swear that they have been at this for a lot longer than they have. Featuring members who have been around the scene in many other capacities over the years, they are pure indie pop goodness with a new wave tinge and they are the perfect find for a long, hot summer day.

Check out their great new video for "Play It Everyday" and enjoy that track, along with "Wild Women," which sort of reminds me of B-52s. Go friend them on myspace, where you can find their entire 4 track demo up for grabs. Keep checking here for some big news on this band in the very near future.

mp3: Play It Everyday
mp3: Wild Women



Blogger Jumbo Slice said...

I gave them a listen but was unimpressed. Not bad but nothing distinctive. "Play It Everyday" sounds like a mediocre Mates of State song (it that redundant?).

Monday, July 14, 2008  

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