R.I.P. The Hard Tomorrows

After 4 years on the DC scene, it's the end of an era. The Hard Tomorrows play their last show tomorrow night at The Red and The Black with Eons and Ladycop. As a tribute to them, several of their peers sent in their personal thoughts on the band.
"Our first experience with The Hard Tomorrows was right around the time we were doing our residency at DC9 (spring 2006). We met a lot of great local bands, whether they were sharing the bill with us or just curious as to how a band of lanky, goofy guys from neighboring Baltimore would fare doing a residency there.
The shows all went well & we kept in touch with many of the bands that we met there. What struck us about Rob & the HT's was how laid back they were in a time where it seemed like everyone was pushing their band so hard. They gave off a really good vibe - like they were doing this for the right reasons.
After seeing them play a handful of times, we were hooked. This led to us doing a dual CD release show with them, which turned DC9 into a sardine can. We've only played a handful of gigs with them, but we're definitely going to miss the sincerity & catchy tunes that they brought to the scene."
- David, Two if by Sea
"It's a huge bummer that these guys are throwing in the towel. "There's No Reason" is one of my all-time favorite tracks, and for completely selfish reasons, I would have prefered that they stay together and write more great tunes, but there's nothing anybody can do at this point. I just hope the individual members keep writing and performing in other groups. At least I have their CD. I'll miss 'em."
- Ian, Middle Distance Runner
"They were one of the first bands I met in the city and they have remained some of my better friends. I had the privilege of playing bass with them in a jokey one-off REM cover night a couple years back and we (Tom and I) have for the past 2 years teamed up with the HT's at the Black Cat's annual Run For Cover show. We played together at this year's 6 points music festival--sadly, the only time we shared a stage. Oh wait, we played Polly's together way back when... Rob and I. The HT's are fun guys who care about their friends and friendships and they write beautiful songs. I remember shouting "Put Yourself Out" with Tom in my pickup on the way to one of their Black Cat shows. I had tears in my eyes the first time I heard the guitar intro on Lights Out--there's nothing ordinary about that music. I remember the release show at DC9--the way they performed, and especially the way Rob sang that night--such force, such emotion, like there was nothing left but that moment and that note, each note--that was pure, that was inspiring. I love the HTs; I'm going to miss them immeasurably. What the fuck... I can't wait to hear them kick ass on Saturday."
- Aaron, Bellman Barker
And on that note, I will leave you with their entire catalogue... fully downloadable. You can thank them tomorrow. They will also be giving away copies of the CDs at the show.

Lights Out
1 Take Down
2 There's No Reason
3 Glossy Eyed Sweetheart
4 Stop and Shoot
5 Patterns
6 Darling
7 Lights Out
8 Counterfeit
9 Wrecking Ball
10 Fences Around Lawns
11 Fiction Aide

5 Songs
1 Put Yourself Out
2 Jaywalker
3 Dear Mary
4 I Never Write Anyone
5 Stay Cool
Teenage Kicks (The Undertones cover)
For Rob's thoughts on each song and an exclusive track, go here. If you have your own tribute, comment away.
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