Thursday, August 10, 2006

Bel Auburn

There is something about me that very few people know. It is kind of my dark little secret that only the real in crowd is aware of. I've lived in the Mid-Atlantic region as long as anyone can remember, so everyone assumes that I am from here. The truth is, I am from Ohio. Why would I admit this after all of these years? Well, I have finally heard something that makes me proud to be from Ohio. That my friends is the new album from Bel Auburn.

Bel Auburn consists of five guys from a rural town in Ohio. Based on what I have read, they are about as down to earth as you can get. "Scott spends his time finding jobs for the otherwise unemployable. Peps sells cabinets to people who may or may not be able to afford them. Justin manages a Hollister and sells racy t-shirts to adolescents. Abrams runs his studio and makes metal/emo bands sound remarkably good. Jared sells diodes and potentiometers to the locals." However, there is something else. Something is a little bit different about them. They make really good music.

Lullabies in A and C is their new album and I am being told that it drops on August 14. The band came up with something though. They posted the whole thing on their website and let every music site that would listen know that it was there. How is it? It sounds like the record I would have written if I was still sane and picking up the pieces after my first love went nuts on me, broke my heart and lied to the whole world about it. Obviously most of us weren't that composed, weren't able to express our feelings so beautifully; but they were. Is it a great album? After two listens, I can't make that call yet. What I can say is that it shows a vast amount of potential and the music is still stuck in my head long after listening.

I am posting the first two tracks below. After you like it, follow the link above and get the entire thing while you can. This album really needs to be listened to as a whole. If we are real lucky, they will be coming through our towns in the near future.

Bel Auburn - Lullaby In A
Bel Auburn - Metropolitan (Watercolor)


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